Saturday, 16 August 2014

What our story teach us?

Selamat petang.I'm having this conversation with one of my friend.Dia tanya aku kenapa suka hidup sorang-sorang.Ayat dia yang membuatkan aku terpana adalah.

"Kau tak takut nak bercinta.You''re just afraid falling for the wrong person"

Dia cakap dalam hidup kita ni memang kita tak akan lari dari make a mistake.After all why are we even call ourself humans?The differences is apa yang kau belajar dari mistake kau tu?

The conversation goes somewhere bila dia cakap.

"Kenapa kau selalu push away orang?Kenapa tak nak bagi orang tolong kau?Why dont for once let people help you?Why did you always shut people out?"

Actually,kita ada history or story yang kita kadang-kadang tak boleh nak share dengan orang.At some point,memang kita keep it to our self tak boleh nak cerita.Aku bukan tak nak orang tolong aku,tapi aku fobia bila aku tolong sebab aku ada this kind of feeling yang dia orang tolong because they expect something more from me.They want something else. 

Apa yang aku ajar diri aku once kau crush/suka/fall in love/couple orang dengan orang tu be prepared.Jangan hold dia dalam hati kau terlampau lama atau terlalu dalam.When it's over that's that.Move on from them is part of the process learning through it is where your heart slowly accept it.Time will heals but make sure to make an effort utk kebahagian diri kau.

That is why aku selalu push away people,shut them out and do it by myself.


  1. BTW way, i can help u if u let me too..

    ingat juga, tak semua orang tolong kita sebab nak sesuatu dari kita. im just not that type of person.

    bagi aku, ape yang seronok tolong orang ni sebab it can make me feel good about myself, rejuvenated me from my past mistakes, and make my day a lot happier...

    1. Indeed.Aku ni paranoid thp kritikal in the past.Tq for willing to help me :).You just make mmy day gibb

  2. berdua denganmu... pasti lebih baik...
